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辣汁蘑菇香飯 / 家鄉雞皇飯餐/Mushroom Rice / Chicken a la King Rice Combo
$75.002件雞餐/2 pcs Chicken Combo(DR001)
$75.004件家鄉雞/4 pcs Original Recipe Chicken
$89.00家鄉雞腿包餐/Original Recipe Burger Combo
$75.004件香辣脆雞/4 pcs Hot & Spicy Chicken
$89.005件巴辣香雞翼/5 pcs Hot Wings(DR106)
$43.00巴辣雞腿包餐/Zinger Burger Combo
$75.009件上校雞寶 (配醬)/9 pcs Colonel Chicken Nuggets with Dipping Sauce
$39.006件上校雞寶 (配醬)/6 pcs Colonel Chicken Nuggets with Dipping Sauce
外賣餐具/Disposable Tableware
✻🍴KFC不主動提供外賣餐具,如有需要請於此選擇加購,謝謝支持環保!/✻🍴Let’s go Green! KFC's utensils are only available upon purchase. Please select in menu.
即棄餐具 (1套)/A set of Disposal Cutlery
提提你:外賣不會免費提供即棄餐具,有需要就依家加購!/Let’s go Green! We stopped providing free disposal cutlery, you may purchase a set of Disposal Cutlery if needed.$1.00即棄塑膠手套(1對)/A pair of Plastic Gloves
限時推廣/Limited Time Offer
✻由11:15am起供應。口味供應及雞件部位配搭視乎實際情況及供貨而定/✻Available from 11:15am Chicken flavor and part availability are subject to the actual supply and stock level.
巴辣雞腿包/Zinger Burger
$35.008件巴辣香雞翼/8 pcs Hot Wings
$64.00辣汁蘑菇香飯 / 家鄉雞皇飯餐/Mushroom Rice / Chicken a la King Rice Combo
辣汁蘑菇香飯 (大) / 家鄉雞皇飯 (大) + 雞 + 2件巴辣香雞翼 + 馬鈴薯蓉 / 粟米杯 + 自選飲品/Mushroom Rice / Chicken a la King Rice (Large) + Chicken + 2 pcs Hot Wings + Mashed Potato & Gravy / Corn Cup + Selection of Drink$75.00
肯!快脆系列/K! Grab & Go
由11:15am起供應。 口味供應及雞件部位配搭視乎實際情況及供貨而定/✻Available from 11:15am Chicken flavor and part availability are subject to the actual supply and stock level.
上校雞包餐/Colonel Burger Combo
上校雞包 + 自選小食 + 自選飲品/Colonel Burger + Selection of Snack + Selection of Drink$55.00家鄉雞腿包餐/Original Recipe Burger Combo
家鄉雞腿包 + 2件巴辣香雞翼 + 雞 + 自選小食 + 自選飲品/Original Recipe Burger + 2 pcs Hot Wings + Chicken + Selection of Snack + Selection of Drink$75.00巴辣雞腿包餐/Zinger Burger Combo
巴辣雞腿包 + 2件巴辣香雞翼 + 雞 + 自選小食 + 自選飲品/Zinger Burger + 2 pcs Hot Wings + Chicken + Selection of Snack + Selection of Drink$75.00
肯!獨食餐/K!Individual Combo
由11:15am起供應。 口味供應及雞件部位配搭視乎實際情況及供貨而定/✻Available from 11:15am Chicken flavor and part availability are subject to the actual supply and stock level.
2件雞餐/2 pcs Chicken Combo(DR001)
2件雞 + 2件巴辣香雞翼 + 經典葡撻 + 馬鈴薯蓉 + 自選飲品/2 pcs Chicken + 2 pcs Hot Wings + Egg Tart + Mashed Potato & Gravy + Selection of Drink$75.00
肯!有飯氣/K!Rice Combo
✻由11:15am起供應。 口味供應及雞件部位配搭視乎實際情況及供貨而定/✻Available from 11:15am Chicken flavor and part availability are subject to the actual supply and stock level.
雞扒辣汁蘑菇飯餐/Chicken Filet with Mushroom Sauce Rice Combo
雞扒辣汁蘑菇飯 + 經典葡撻 + 小食 + 自選飲品/Chicken Filet with Mushroom Sauce Rice + Egg Tart + Snack + Selection of Drink$64.00
肯!分享餐/K!Sharing Combo
✻由11:15am起供應。 口味供應及雞件部位配搭視乎實際情況及供貨而定/✻Available from 11:15am Chicken flavor and part availability are subject to the actual supply and stock level.
歡聚派對拼盤/Party Favorites Snack Box
16件上校雞寶 + 3份醬 + 8件經典葡撻 + 8客馬鈴薯蓉 / 粟米杯/16 pcs Colonel Chicken Nuggets + 3 servings of Dipping Sauce + 8 pcs Egg Tarts + 8 portions of Mashed Potato & Gravy / Corn Cup$184.006件經典葡撻/6 pcs Egg Tarts
$68.0012件經典葡撻/12 pcs Egg Tarts
單點/A la Carte
✻由11:15am起供應。 口味供應及雞件部位配搭視乎實際情況及供貨而定/✻Available from 11:15am Chicken flavor and part availability are subject to the actual supply and stock level.
經典葡撻/Egg Tart
$12.00家鄉雞/Original Recipe Chicken
$25.00香辣脆雞/Hot & Spicy Chicken
$25.004件家鄉雞/4 pcs Original Recipe Chicken
$89.004件香辣脆雞/4 pcs Hot & Spicy Chicken
$89.002件巴辣香雞翼/2 pcs Hot Wings(DR105)
$20.005件巴辣香雞翼/5 pcs Hot Wings(DR106)
$43.006件上校雞寶 (配醬)/6 pcs Colonel Chicken Nuggets with Dipping Sauce
6件上校雞寶 + 1份醬/6 pcs Colonel Chicken Nuggets + Dipping Sauce$32.009件上校雞寶 (配醬)/9 pcs Colonel Chicken Nuggets with Dipping Sauce
9件上校雞寶 + 1份醬/9 pcs Colonel Chicken Nuggets + Dipping Sauce$39.00粟米杯/Corn Cup
$16.00馬鈴薯蓉/Mashed Potato & Gravy
$12.00甜辣椒醬/Sweet Chili Sauce
$3.00超勁-辣黃醬/Supercharger Sauce
$3.00洋蔥蛋黃醬/Onion Mayonnaise Sauce
主食/Main Dishes
✻由11:15am起供應。 口味供應及雞件部位配搭視乎實際情況及供貨而定/✻Available from 11:15am Chicken flavor and part availability are subject to the actual supply and stock level.
家鄉雞腿包/Original Recipe Burger
$35.00辣汁蘑菇香飯 (大)/Mushroom Rice (Large)(DR108)
$50.00家鄉雞皇飯 (大)/Chicken a la King Rice (Large)(DR109)
罐裝百事可樂 (330毫升)/Pepsi Cola (330ml)(DR201)
$16.00罐裝七喜 (330毫升)/7 Up (330ml)(DR202)
$16.00鴻福堂竹蔗茅根 (250毫升)/Hung Fook Tong Imperatae Cane Drink (250ml)(DR210A)
$20.00鴻福堂菊花蜜 (250毫升)/Hung Fook Tong Chrysanthemum Honey Drink (250ml)(DR210B)
$20.00熱即磨咖啡/Hot Coffee(DR203)
$18.00熱奶茶/Hot Milk Tea(DR204)
$18.00熱檸檬茶/Hot Lemon Tea(DR205)
$18.00熱檸檬水/Hot Lemon Water(DR206)
$18.00熱蜜糖綠茶/Hot Green Tea with Honey(DR207)
$18.00Minute Maid® 橙汁飲品 (420毫升)/Minute Maid® Orange Juice Drink (420ml)
$20.00凍即磨咖啡/Iced Coffee(DR203B)
$20.00凍奶茶/Iced Milk Tea(DR204B)
$20.00凍檸檬茶/Iced Lemon Tea(DR205B)
$20.00凍檸檬水/Iced Lemon Tea(DR206B)